Sunday, January 31, 2010

Psalm 62:5-6 (New Living Translation)

5 Let all that I am wait quietly before God,
for my hope is in him.
6 He alone is my rock and my salvation,
my fortress where I will not be shaken.

Wait. Wait quietly. With all that I am. This can be very hard to do. I don't know about you but I am guilty of wanting quick results. I want to see pounds drop after every workout or walk. I want to place all my hope in my "diet" and my training. I want it all and I want it now!

God's word tells us to just wait quietly with all our power and remember He is our hope. He is much more reliable than any diet or workout. He is the ultimate personal trainer. Hope from Him is a faithful hope. A hope worth having. A hope that will not disappoint.

Hope in Him is also solid. Solid like a rock. Not a hope built on sand or mud but built on bedrock. A hope with something to hold it in place. A hope that will stand the bumps and detours of our journey. A hope that will stand.

Allow Him to be your hope and the journey will not seem so long or scary.

Peace and Grace,
John 3:30

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Psalm 46:10a (New International Version)

10 "Be still, and know that I am God;

Woke up this morning to nearly 6 inches of snow. I opened my front door to look out and admire the beauty of the snow. While looking at the sparkle of the snow I noticed something. What I noticed was the quiet.

Seems like a good snow has the power to quiet the world. Everything just seems so still. No traffic noise. No barking dogs. Voices are hushed. There is such a calm and peace to the world on a morning like this.

It is in these moments that today's verse comes to mind. Be still. Calm. Quiet. Listening. Then hearing. In the stillness you can hear the gentle voice of God. You can feel His presence. You can know He is God. You can know He is an ever present help on our journey.

Listen to Him as you travel. He will not give you faulty directions. He will reveal Himself. He will keep us as we travel.

Be still.
He is God. He is good.
He loves you!

Peace and Grace,
John 3:30

Friday, January 29, 2010

Proverbs 16:11 (New International Version)

11 Honest scales and balances are from the LORD;
all the weights in the bag are of his making.

When I read this verse I laughed. It made me think that God was referring to portion control when He gave this verse to Solomon.

I was reminded of the times I have fudged on the amounts when I was measuring out some foods. You know what I mean. Using a 1 cup measure to get a 1/2 cup of something and going past the mark and adding just a little more. Or when we use a 1/2 cup measure to mete out a serving of some cereal and allowing it to spill over the measure and into the bowl. We figure that extra doesn't matter. Using our "eyeball" scale to measure a portion of meat and convincing ourselves that a piece of meat the size of a paperback book is equivalent to a deck of cards.

All of these deceptions seem small but they do add up. They can also lead to even bigger deceptions. We can continue cheating ourselves to the point of totally giving up on controlling our portions. Then we end up back where we were when our journey began.

Please allow God to lead you on this journey. Please allow Him to direct your hand when measuring your portions. Honest weights are from Him. Dishonest weights will not lead to success. He wants you to succeed.

Peace and Grace,
John 3:30

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Ephesians 6:10 (New Living Translation)

10 A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.

Are you feeling weak? Are you finding it difficult to stay focused? Is it becoming more and more of a challenge to do that workout? Is that certain trigger food calling your name? Are you ready to quit this journey?

I ask those questions because I am very familiar with those situations. I face those same weaknesses daily. I find that I struggle with the strength to continue traveling toward a healthier me. I find it easier and easier to come up with an excuse to stumble on my journey.

The temptations around me can be very strong. The call of the recliner can be very powerful. "Little Debbie" wants a reconciliation. Unhealthy me is easier to be. There are so many signs of my weakness. I would venture to say that this is true for most of us.

Where can we find the strength to overcome these situations?

The source of that strength is Jesus! He is able to resist temptation for us. He is able to call louder to us than the recliner. He has the strength we need to do that workout. We do not need to depend on our own power. We can be strong in Jesus!

Thank Jesus today for the power He provides. Thank Him for the strength to stand. Thank Him for his mighty power. Thank Him for His love and grace. Just thank Him!

Peace and Grace,
John 3:30

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

1 Corinthians 6:12 (New International Version)

12 "Everything is permissible for me"—but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible for me"—but I will not be mastered by anything.

Everything permissible? I can eat whatever I want? Nothing is forbidden?
Wow!! I love this diet!!

Does that sound familiar? Maybe you have said those exact things. Perhaps you have started a new diet and your first concerns were about what you had to give up. You focused on all those foods that some consider "bad" foods. However, this verse gives you a different perspective than most diets.

This verse tells us that all is permissible. The next part, though, is very important. "Not everything is beneficial". Think about that. It may be allowed, but is it good for you? You can eat that, but should you? Puts things in a different light. Puts a large amount of responsibility on our shoulders. We can but should we?

Next, Paul says he will not be mastered by anything. We sahould make that our battle cry. "I will not be mastered by anything!" "I will not be mastered by my appetites!" We should not allow ourselves to become slaves to diets or foods or anything.

It is important to remember this when the road on our journey becomes rough. If we are allowing ourselves to be mastered by anything other than Jesus we will struggle.

Step out of the bondage of your cravings and into the arms of Jesus. He will lead you in the right direction. He is all we need.

Peace and Grace,
John 3:30

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (New International Version)

16 "Be joyful always; 17 pray continually; 18 give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."

These verses help me remember that God wants me to be joyful, prayerful, and thankful. When I was thinking about these verses it became clear to me that God wants me to be "full". In, other words, if I am aware of His will I should be able to be "full". No need to worry about how I will be filled.

I really like the idea of allowing God to fill me up and not having to be filled with food. I do not have to search for the perfect cheesburger or the most delicious cheesecake to fill me up. I just have to concentrate on the blessings of God in my life and remember the power of Jesus Christ. What more could I possibly need.

1 overflowing cup of genuine joy
24 hours of prayer
1 heaping abundance of thanks

Mix all these together and indulge.

This recipe will keep you "full" and focused on God's will. It will see you through the good times and the rough spots on our journey.

My prayer for you today is that you will allow Him to fill you and not look to the world or the grocery store to do that for you.

Peace and Grace,
John 3:30

Monday, January 25, 2010

Read Psalm 23

Our Biggest Loser journey continues. We just made it through a weekend. Those are always difficult. It seems like the weekend is just made for messing up when it comes to a newly started, healthier living plan. Some of us struggle on weekends and allow our guard to drop. Some of us just choose to allow our resolve to relax. Some may even go completely off plan over the weekend.

Now, if you are one who has weekends like that then Monday mornings can be very difficult. It is hard to get back on track when you stray. It can be a real battle to get focused on your plan. I know. I've been there.

I have foud that God knew we would have these struggles. He knew we would need encouragement. He took care of it for us long ago.

His way was to provide a Psalm for the ages. It is probably the most well known passage of scripture. It is what I call my "go to" scripture.

I love to read this Psalm. It reminds me that He is on this journey with me. It reminds me that I am safe with my shepherd. There is a comfort in knowing that I am protected. That protection helps me have the courage to continue.

It is in this Psalm that we are also reminded that whatever valley we walk through we do not walk alone. A nice reminder that we are not on this journey to better health by ourselves. Please allow this Psalm to minister to you today as you continue on our journey.

Peace and Grace,
John 3:30

Saturday, January 23, 2010

John 8:36 (New International Version)
36 "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed."

"My chains are gone,
I've been set free.
My God, my savior
Has ransomed me."

Those lines from a beautiful song by Chris Tomlin say it all. Because of Jesus, by His power and His love, I am free! I do not have be be a slave to my old nature. Let me restate that--- I am not a slave to my old nature. He broke the chains!

I have trouble remembering that some days. There are times when my old nature rears its ugly head and tries to make me believe it still owns me. It wants me to give in to temptations for its pleasure. That old nature wants control. Sometimes, I allow it to have that control.

When I realize I have picked up the chains again there is an immediate sense of defeat. In that moment I feel like a complete failure and a slave again. It is a feeling I do not like. But, it is also a feeling I do not have to experience. I just have to lean on His grace.

His grace set me free! His grace rescued me! His grace is amazing to me!
His grace is all I need!!

Today, let us each thank Jesus for His grace. Grace that broke the chains. Grace that is strong enough and sweet enough to keep the chains from being replaced. That grace is amazing. That grace is free. That grace is for you and me.

Peace and Grace,
John 3:30

Friday, January 22, 2010

"Psalm 141:8 (New Living Translation)

8 I look to you for help, O Sovereign Lord.
You are my refuge; don’t let them kill me."

This morning I have storms fresh on my mind. Last night we had a thunderstorm or two. They were not bad storms but they could have been. When I think of storms I think of the possibility of severe weather. If a really bad storms is approaching it may be necessary to take shelter.

For many of us a bad storm is approaching as we continue on our Biggest Loser journey. That storm could come in the form of temptation or pain from exercise. It could be in the form of new excuses to miss our workout or the lie of being able to eat just one Oreo or Reese's Peanut Butter Cup. Whatever form it takes let Jesus be the shelter for you. He is able to protect you. He WILL help you. Look to Him. He won't let you down.

Declare loudly that He is your refuge!

I also like what the last part of this verse says about not letting them kill me. I am sure the psalmist was writing about people. However, I also believe this could refer to bad habits, fat grams, unhealthy food choices, and temptations. Whatever it may be that could kill us or harm us. Identify that thing in your life and seek refuge from that thing in the sheltering love of Jesus. It is the safest place to be in any storm.

Peace and Grace,
John 3:30

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Wow! The first week's weigh-in is behind us! Everybody on my team (Narrow Weigh) had a loss or maintained but there were no gainers!! Proud of all of them!!
This first week should show all of us that this can be done. When we are willing to put forth the effort there will be results. When we move, we lose. When we lose, we really win! Don't give up! There is something good ahead.
In the Old Testament book of Jeremiah, God tells us He knows the plans He has for us and that those are plans for our good not for our bad. He knows where He is leading you. So, just let Him lead. He will not lead you in the wrong direction.
This journey is part of His plan for each of us that are part of Biggest Loser #2. As we travel together let us agree to support one another with prayer and friendship.

Peace and Grace,
John 3:30